The Role of Waste Management in Supporting the Green Building
When buildings are a huge determinant for greenhouse gases, it becomes even more crucial to optimize the reusable resources in construction. The glitch lies in the mentality of having a circulation of resources rather than trashing them away. According to the statistics, the average waste generated by an individual is between 0.74 to 4 kgs per day. But it is not as easy as it seems, reusing the trash or so-called waste management system in construction, it is very important to use proper technology for recycling the waste materials into something which can be trusted for constructing buildings.
At Ratnam GARDENBAY, we have a team – a group that solely emphasizes the materials which have been recycled and has certitude on its use for the construction.
Bricks – When the bricks are used in a project, there is a massive amount of wastage while using them during the construction, as it breaks while transportation, loading, and unloading while scaling and fittings, the best use of those broken bricks can be reused as a filler element by crushing.
Concrete / Cement – there is a massive waste found in the form of concrete due to demolishing the property or testing the concrete sample. This wastage of concrete can be crushed properly and can be employed to refill the road pits or in new building construction.
Steel & Wood – Stell is 100 % recyclable perfect for roofing, structural support, etc. and wood is one of the most likable elements in buildings. But in the process of conversion of raw timber to wood boards and planks, most percentage of wood may get wasted so it can be reused in making the structural part of a wall, planks, etc.
Natural Clay – One of the most classics which are used in the construction of a building, specifically the natural clay is the best example of an old art form.
Stone – Naturally occurring and long-lasting building material, a clear example of sustainability. There are some stone structures built 100 years ago and are still in existence. Stones are very good against weathering hence they can be used to construct exterior walls, steps, and exterior flooring.
Plastic – Feared to be one of the most grievous issues in the entire world. It can be handled and scenarios can be dealt with if the reuse and recycle of plastic materials are well planned. Re-using plastics to mold into a seating bench in your clubhouse / common garden / personal garden areas, making fences, picnic tables are just a few examples.
The best example is a Collage House in Navi Mumbai, created by using only doors and windows salvaged from demolished old buildings, the floors are created using the broken bone china pieces found across old residents re-filling the house with the history of the city.
Objects or any material should be designed to tackle the waste before it is produced, in a way that they can be disassembled for use. The goal is not to deprive ourselves but relish what we already have.
Ratnam GARDENBAY – 4 BHK Luxurious Flat & 5 BHK Penthouse Apartment – is a Ratna ‘रत्न’ – Crafted Through Nature!